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Development of a cost-effective seam tracking system for the automated GMA welding of aluminium alloys

Specialist Articles

Authors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Reisgen, Dr.-Ing. Lars Stein, Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Geffers, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Klaus Dilger, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Nitschke-Pagel, Dipl.-Ing. Hamid Babory

Against the background of constantly rising energy costs and of a growing awareness of the sustainable utilisation of resources, more and more significance is being to the joining of light metals such as aluminium. Automated sensor-guided welding systems are making a decisive contribution to highly efficient and economically viable fabrication. However, the available sensor systems are either not suitable for the welding of aluminium (e.g. the arc sensor) or are expensive and susceptible to errors in a rough fabrication environment (e.g. optical sensors). This article presents the development of a seam tracking system which carries out the weld guiding using the heat flow transferred to the welding torch by the welding process. The developed system consists of a “standalone“ control box as well as an easy-to-fit detection unit.
Pages: 240 - 245:
Issue 4 (2011) Page 240
Issue 4 (2011) Page 241
Issue 4 (2011) Page 242
Issue 4 (2011) Page 243
Issue 4 (2011) Page 244
Issue 4 (2011) Page 245

This article appeared in issue 4 (2011).

Issue 4 (2011)
Welding and Cutting
Issue 4 (2011)
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